1) No “dieting”. Diets are often unsustainable and don’t support long term change. Instead, you’ll learn what your body needs and when it needs it.
2) In Living Aligned, you’re a part of a team made of individuals who are also seeking a happier healthier life. We support each other through the win’s and learning moments.
3) We look at things holistically, building a foundation of health through the 7 essential principles. With a strong and balanced foundation, we can truly live aligned.
4) You’re guided the whole way! I provide simple and sustainable steps to take to build your foundation so you can live your most aligned life.

What exactly will we be doing?
12 group coaching calls (max 8 people)
monthly one-on-one sessions
individualized nourishment guide
private online community
initial, mid-point, and final assessment
integration tasks & resources
unlimited email support from a holistic health expert

(sample internal stress load assessment results)
As a group we will explore the foundation principles of living an aligned life: thinking, breathing, hydration, nutrition, movement, sleep and connection.
Each week participants will have opportunities to share their progress, express what needs expressing, and participate in experiential learning opportunities to truly harness the power of this process.
Throughout our time together you will learn what "yes" and "no" feel like in your body and how to make choices that align with your truest self, all while in connection with yourself and the rest of the group.

What folks are saying:

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I know if this is for me?
A: Have you experienced any of the following: energy leaks, gut health issues (indigestion, IBS, food intolerances), chronic fatigue, lack of direction, joint pain, poor recovery, low tolerance for stress, lack of purpose/vision for life, unexplained symptoms, depression, anxiety, excessive anger, PMS symptoms, disembodiment, night sweats, hot flashes, brain fog?
If so, you can expect to improve any of the above within our 12 weeks together and onward. To be clear, this is not a "diet challenge" or "weight loss group". Those strategies tend not to work long term and encourage unsustainable approaches to health. Living Aligned is designed to teach you the foundation of health, why it works, and how to implement it. That said, it is common for folks to experience fat loss, improvement or complete elimination in symptoms, and more happiness :)
Q: I'm interested - do you offer a payment plan?
A: Yes! Monthly payments of $333 are available.
Q: What happens on the coaching calls?
A: Each week you will learn about specific topics that are essential in living a healthy and aligned life. You'll have the opportunity to be coached on the various aspects covered and witness others being coached. Often times participants will gain tremendous insight into their own growth and development by listening to others working through things.
Q: What's included throughout the 12 weeks?
A: There are 12 group coaching calls, plus three one-on-one calls and ongoing support within a private online community. There will be weekly homework, resources, tools, hacks and recordings of all the sessions for you to access anytime.
Q: I already exercise and "eat clean", is this still valuable for me?
A: Absolutely. Movement and nourishment are just two of the many pillars of living an aligned life. If you imagine a guitar, and each string is one of the foundational elements of health and wellness, only having two of them tuned will still leave you with an out of tune guitar.
Q: How long will the weekly calls be?
A: Each call is 60 minutes with time for answering questions.
Q: I'm nervous about joining - will this be overwhelming and have unrealistic expectations?
A: A little nervousness is totally normal and welcome here! The course is designed to meet everyone where they are at. Some of it may be out of your comfort zone, but that is where growth happens, and you'll be guided the entire time!
The intention is to help you understand what you need, when you need it, and to build healthy habits that are realistic and sustainable so you can Live Aligned, for life.
Q: I have more questions. How can I reach you?
A: I'd love to answer them! My email is lifeforcemvmt@gmail.com or you can book a free consult call by clicking here.
Enroll Today for $999
Payment plans available upon request